Monday, August 8, 2011

Interview question from an OS vendor

This question was given to me by a friend that was interviewing with an OS vendor. I couldn't resist a friendly competition, so I took a shot. This was only one hour of work, and it didn't get the exact answer as I didn't handle the word wraps correctly (waistcoat-pocket was counted as waistcoatpocket). Test file and test output.

* Problem
* =======
* Write an _efficient_ program that reads an ascii file in, and prints
* out all the words in the file in frequency order (most frequent
* first). Each output line should be of the following form:
* > <word> <count>
* You have 1 hour.
* Comments
* ========
* An example input file 'alice-in-wonderland.txt' has been provided
* along with 10 lines of example output ('alice-in-wonderland.output').
* The problem is deliberately vague; do not ask for clarifications.
* Instead do something sensible.
* This will be marked by reading your code, as well as running it on
* some test cases.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

struct element
int count;
char *word;
struct element *next;

// modified this from
/* preform a bubble sort on the linked list */
struct element *bubble_sort(struct element *head) {
struct element *a = NULL;
struct element *b = NULL;
struct element *c = NULL;
struct element *e = NULL;
struct element *tmp = NULL;

// the `c' node precedes the `a' and `e' node
// pointing up the node to which the comparisons
// are being made.

while(e != head->next)
c = a = head;
b = a->next;
while(a != e)
if(a->count < b->count)
if(a == head)
tmp = b -> next;
b->next = a;
a->next = tmp;
head = b;
c = b;
} else {
tmp = b->next;
b->next = a;
a->next = tmp;
c->next = b;
c = b;
} else
c = a;
a = a->next;
b = a->next;
if(b == e)
e = a;

return head;

struct element *make_new_node(const char *word)
struct element *new_node = (struct element *)malloc(sizeof(struct element));

new_node->word = (char *)malloc(strlen(word)+1);
strcpy(new_node->word, word);

new_node->next = NULL;
new_node->count = 0;

return new_node;

struct element *initialize_list()
struct element *element;
struct element *head;
char c;

element = make_new_node("a");
if(element == NULL)
return NULL;

head = element;

for(c = 'b'; c<='z'; ++c)
char word[2];
sprintf(word, "%c", c);
element->next = make_new_node(word);
if(element->next == NULL)
return NULL;

element = element->next;

return head;

int error()
printf("out of memory\n");
return -1;

void print_list(struct element *list)
printf("%s %d\n", list->word, list->count);
list = list->next;

void initialize_index(struct element **index, struct element *list)
int i = 0;

index[i] = list;
list = list->next;

if(i != 26)

void clean_up(char* str)
char ch;
int i;
int ii = strlen(str);
int write_index = 0;
char word[ii+1];
for (i=0; i <ii;i++)
if (ch>='A' && ch<='Z')
ch = tolower(ch);

strcpy(str, word);

struct element *get_indexed_element(struct element **index, const char *word)
return index[word[0]-'a'];

int main()
struct element *index[26];
struct element *head = initialize_list();

if(head == NULL)
return error();

initialize_index(index, head);

// read book and insert elements
char word[256];
FILE *f;

while (!feof(f))

// make it all lowercase
// remove whitespace and punctuation

// add it to the running total
struct element *elm = get_indexed_element(index, word);

while(elm->next && (strcmp(elm->next->word, word) != 1))
elm = elm->next;

if(strcmp(elm->word, word) == 0)
struct element *new_node = make_new_node(word);
if(new_node == NULL)
return error();
new_node->next = elm->next;

elm->next = new_node;

// sort list
head = bubble_sort(head);


// delete memory

struct element *elm = head;



return 0;

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